Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hallie vs. Codi

I think Codi and Hallie are very different! They do have their similarities, especially when it comes to their looks but when it comes to personality I think they are not like each other at all. I think Hallie is more hard-working. She works hard every day helping families in need in Nicaragua. Not that Codi isn’t hard-working but I don’t think her heart is really in it when she is working like Hallie’s is. Hallie is also very unselfish. She risks her life to help people. Codi is more stubborn. Although they are different, they do have some similarities. They both are adventurous. Before Codi moved back to Grace, she traveled with Carlos to Crete. She and Hallie also went to Tuscon together. Hallie is in Nicaragua working so this shows that they both like to travel and are looking for new adventures. Due to their genes, they are also both very tall. Codi on the other hand is more secretive. She kept the secret of her miscarriage. Unlike Hallie, she also doesn’t really know who she is. She went back to Grace because she didn’t know where she belonged. She’s confused on what she is supposed to do and basically how to live her life. She’s also confused about her past and who her ancestors were. Hallie, already has a job that she supposedly loves and knows she “belongs”. Codi is also educated. She went to medical school and is now a teacher. I think she knows she can do better though and I think she’s on her way to finding out where she belongs and who she really is.

Holiday sales-article from the star tribune. (outside reading post #1)

Recently, I read an article called “Retailer Blues-No happy Holidays”. This article was written by, Susan Feyder and was in the September 19, 2008 issue of Star Tribune, in the business section. I think the thesis of this article was that the huge increase of gas and grocery prices have costed a decrease in holiday sales. Britt Beemer, a chairman of America’s Research Group, predicts that holiday sales will drop as much as 2 percent compared to last year. He says that some cause of this predicted drop are; a sales season of 6 days shorter than last year’s, online sales and TV advertisements. However, he says that the biggest and main causes of this predicted drop are the gas and grocery prices. Parents say they’re so disgusted with the high prices that they have decided not to buy gifts for eachother but only focus on their kids. The online sales have also increased due to the cost of gas these days, people don’t want to spend more money then they have to. These predictions mainly focus on what happens on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving, the start of the holiday season and supposedly the busiest shopping day of the year), Beemer says that if sales aren’t good on this day, businesses could fail!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Adjective paragraph

One adjective to describe myself is adventurous. I would call myself adventurous because I have been on many adventures! I have also traveled a lot! I’ve already been to 5 of the 7 continents: North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia, and Europe. But, I plan on visiting all 7 continents and many cool places around the world before I die. Another adventurous thing I do is scuba dive. I’m not only adventurous when it comes to travel though, I’m also not a picky eater, I will try anything and usually like it. I’m also very adventurous when it comes to music because I like to listen to all different types of bands and genres. Basically, I am adventurous because I’m always willing to try new things.