Sunday, October 19, 2008

New technologies keep families connected (outside reading post # 7)

I recently read an article about how new technology has affected the everyday lives of a typical family, with two parents and one or more children. The author says that new technology such as; cellphones, email, and the internet have actually affected families in a positive way since they were invented. The author explains that these new technologies help families stay connected throughout the day. Since texting does not require an immediate response, kids can text their moms or dads before school, or after school, or during lunch, or even between classes. Studies show that since emailing has become more convenient, husbands email their wives during the day just to say hello. Same thing goes for cellphones, studies show that husbands and wives call eachother at least once a day just to see how the other is doing. Cellphones have made it practical to communicate because you can talk anywhere at any time. While moms are grocery shopping, dads are at work, and children are at friends houses, it is simply easier to get ahold of oneanother.

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